Esta e a primeira foto onde se ve a casa numa perspectiva de norte, com o Castelo de Sesimbra do lado esquerdo da casa. This is the first photo where we see the house from the north and we see the Sesimbra Castle on the left side of the house.
No interior da casa olhando para a zona onde vai ficar a lareira e ja visualizando tambem o mezanino. Inside the house looking to the area where the fireplace will stay and already having a good understanding of the mezanine effect.
A pala-sol fazendo a sua funcao, sendo bem visivel a sombra na foto. The protection to the sun in the balcony and it's already visible it's effect creating the perfect protection shadow for the house.
O inicio das alvenarias e a ligacao a estrutura da casa. The beginning of the construction of the walls and the connection to the main structure of the house.
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