25 November 2010

Porque temos esta caixa aberta no telhado...Why do we have this open box in the roof ?

Na procura incessante da maxima eficiencia e de um design comtemporaneo, o gabinete do Eng Mario Neto propos que fizessemos esta caixa aberta no telhado por varios motivos:        a) localizacao perfeita para os paineis solares passarem despercebidos, b) maxima eficiencia pois a cozinha fica logo por baixo e a agua nao necessita de andar muito tempo dentro de tubos...e fica muitissimo bem integrado na arquitectura da casa . In the continuous search for maximum eficiency and a modern architecture, the company of Eng.  Mario Neto proposed that we made this open box on top of the roof due to several reasons: a) perfect location for the solar panels that will be unnoticed, b) maximum efficiency as the kitchen is below it and the water will not need to circulate a lot  in the tubes...besides that it is very well integrated in the overall architecture of the house.

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