Na proxima semana vou a Portugal tratar de "milhoes" de assuntos que estao pendentes e que requerem decisoes. Esta tudo a correr bem com a construcao da moradia, mas ha algumas decisoes que e necessario tomar e vou tentar resolver tudo numa visita com uma agenda super-preenchida durante 4 dias. Vai ser tambem uma oportunidade para agradecer a todos os envolvidos na obra por todo o trabalho realizado ate aqui e obviamente rever a familia e os amigos mais proximos.. E espero que o sol esteja a brilhar para poder disfrutar das maravilhas de Sesimbra. Alguns jantares ja agendados para matar saudades do bom peixe fresco que Sesimbra oferece. Tenho pena de ir sozinho e nao poder levar a familia desta vez. Vi esta foto optima no Google e decidi por aqui no blog.
Next week will go to Portugal to handle "millions" of subjects that are pending of decisions. Everything is going well with the construction of the house, but there are some decisions that we need to make and I will try to solve everything in a 4 days visit with a very busy schedule. It will be also an opportunity to thank to all of those that have been involved in the construction of the house for all their work and to see my family and close friends. Hope the sun is shining to take advantage of the beauty that Sesimbra has to offer. Some "fresh fish" diners already booked in the great restaurants that Sesimbra offer. I am sorry to go alone and not be able to take the family with me. Saw this great photo in Google and decided to put it here.
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