Foram uns dias optimos que passei em Portugal - Sesimbra alem do sol magnifico dos ultimos dias tambem tudo correu bem nas muitas reunioes que tive com fornecedores diversos . Muitas decisoes foram tomadas e agora e avancar com a fase final da obra. Aproveitei para ir ver a minha praia preferida - Praia da Foz com a qual ilustro este post e obviamente tambem matei saudades da boa comida portuguesa..peixe..bacalhau etc.
Um pormenor que fiquei surpreendido e muito contente e o impacto que o blog tem nos trabalhadores que estao na obra pois todos sabem que a casa onde estao a trabalhar esta na net e isso da-lhes um interesse adicional e acredito tambem um estimulo para fazerem o melhor possivel. Uma palavra final para o Eng. Mario Neto que tem sido verdadeiramente incansavel em todo este projecto e sem o qual seguramente nao estariamos onde estamos hoje .
Some great days in Portugal - Sesimbra. besides the great weather and sun we had in the last days all went well with all the metings that I had with suppliers . A lot of decisions where made and now is we will move forward to the final stage of the building and finishings. I went to see my prefered beach - Praia da Foz with which I ilustrate this post. Obiouslly I also had the opportunity to remeber the great portuguese food and enjoyed a lot some great fresh fish and dry cod fish as well.
A detail that was a pleasant surprise was the impact of the blog in the builders that work on a regular basis in the house as they were all aware of the blog and I think that gives them an additional level of interest and motivation to do a great job.
A final word for Eng. Mario Neto that has been amazing in the way he controls and manages the evolution, the detail of all the work and the interaction and coaching to the multiple suppliers with whom we are now dealing.
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